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The Gathering Ireland 2013

The Gathering be part of it

The Gathering Project
Aras Failte
88-95 Amiens Street
01 884 7766
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About Us

It’s about asking anyone who has Irish blood, a link to Ireland, or even just a love of our country – to join us for a series of amazing and diverse events throughout 2013.

They will range from clan gatherings where people will discover their roots, to rugby clubs inviting foreign teams to their sevens tournament, and groups of international business colleagues conferencing in Ireland.

Those amazing events will be created by you, your neighbour, your work colleague or your sports team. They will be organised by individuals, groups, business colleagues and clubs within the community who will reach out to their worldwide networks. For those organising the events, there will be lots of information, help and support available on this website over the coming months 

The Gathering is a powerful grass-roots movement. By reconnecting with our global community, it will be like completing an electrical circuit. Energy will flow and our community will light up and sparkle with its own vitality.

Let’s light up 2013 with an unprecedented celebration of Ireland’s global community, and our past, present and future.

Who's involved?

We need you to get involved in The Gathering Ireland 2013! This year of celebration is a public-led countrywide initiative so it will only be as great as the people who lead it.

The Gathering is a people’s project. It’s all about you, your family, your neighbours, your sports club, your college – in fact, whatever community or group you belong to – planning special events that will highlight what is great about that community and Ireland as a whole.

We hope you’ll reach out to your international networks, far-flung groups of friends and colleagues, or even people you’re connected to but haven’t met yet, and invite them to Ireland for a fun-filled year of celebration. 

The Gathering has many stakeholders, partners and supporters, including Government departments, State bodies, local authorities, local development companies, private businesses, the global Irish community and the tourism industry. The initiative is also fully supported by Fáilte Ireland and Tourism Ireland. But Irish individuals and community groups – both at home and abroad – are at the heart of the Gathering.


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The Gathering 2013